As you may well imagine, I haven't blogged since our baby girl came home. Still trying to figure out how to best use my spare moments and prioritize. Here's how life is breaking down for now:
1. Sleep
2a. Food for baby and related outputs
2b. Food for mom
2c. Food for dog
3. Laundry
4. Everything else (which includes blogging and posting pictures I'm sorry to say :)
But really, this isn't a complaint. I'm loving every minute of it (minus that latching on part). I have the most beautiful and intelligent baby girl on the planet and I get to say she's mine. I'm on cloud nine. It has helped immensely that she is a very easy baby, thus far anyway. She only cries when she has something wrong and stops when it is remedied. She is sleeping through the night except for her one, middle of the night feeding. I am SO lucky and grateful that she's taken it easy on me - I suppose I should be concerned that the karma could change when she's a teenager because parent has to pay some dues at some point.