Friday, January 16, 2009

9 Months!!!!

Can't even believe it's here. 9 months of pregnancy has passed and she could come any day, altho I see from the poll, many think I still have a few more weeks of waddling in my future. We shall see. I just had my 36 week appointment on Wednesday and everything looks perfect. We even got a glimpse of her little face on ultrasound and saw that even tho she looks on the small side - around 5 pounds or so, she already has chubby cheeks. If she's anything like her mother, she doesn't miss any meals either :)

I'm feeling pretty good overall. I get pretty tired in the evenings. I also kind of alternate a really active, energetic day with the next day feeling fatigued - or like today, unable to sleep after 3:30 in the morning, so might as well blog! But no bother. Now that I'm on pre-maternity leave, I can take a nap if I need, which is GREAT. Thank you FMLA and the State of California!

On the home front. Our kitchen should be done in the next few days so I can try and put it back together and functional (minus a stove which isn't available until Feb 1 - don't ask, long story). The nursery is about half done. Justin and I will be putting the crib together this week and then it will officially look like a baby's room.

That's the news for now. I'll be posting some pictures here shortly. I got my new laptop over Christmas and I'm still figuring everything out, but pix are on the way.

Lots of love-

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