Sunday, December 21, 2008

33 Weeks

Merry Christmas Everyone!
Fortunately the Christmas spirit has set in and I feel far more charitable towards my fellow man - no more ranting! Things are going well. I'm growing exponentially at this point. About ready to go up yet another scrub size. Disheartening, but oh SO grateful that I haven't had to drop loads of money on work clothes. My condolences to you out there that don't have the luxury of wearing pajama uniforms at work. I had the delusional idea last weekend that I'd finish up my Christmas shopping last weekend and actually managed to assemble a cute outfit with some cute shoes to match. What a joke! Or perhaps a stroke of brilliance because I my shopping trip became instantly more efficient because I couldn't standing walking any further than absolutely necessary.

We're still planning on heading up north for Christmas - I know nuts. Leaving sunny beautiful weather for the frozen tundra of the Northwest tho unarguably far more Christmasy. Good news that the roads look clear for our drive up.

To close out last month's poll about the pillows, the answer everyone has been waiting for . . . 4 pillows is the big winner. One being one of those enormous square Euro pillows then two more to build a ramp and the fourth, a squishy down pillow for my neck. I end up sleeping at about a 30 degree angle, but whatever works. Look forward to seeing the results of the next poll . . .

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

What day are you driving up? The forecast looks nasty for a few days yet. Be safe and don't take any risks!