Friday, December 12, 2008

31 Weeks - Ode to Weird Back Pains and Rude People

In the last few weeks I've been plagued with pains deep in my low back/sacral area that sometimes gives me a real hitch in my already slow-moving giddy-up. According to - the most popular pregnancy website, my condition is "triggered by activities such as walking, climbing stairs, getting in and out of a tub or a low chair, rolling over in bed, or twisting and lifting." Yes! One more excuse to be able to sit around and do nothing! Don't think my work or Justin is going to buy it. :)

Despite my complaining of aches and pains, Baby J is continuing to grow. As one kind holiday Costco shopper informed me, "Wow, it looks like you're ready to pop at anytime". Gee thanks. I made the unfortunate mistake of telling her I still have 2 months to go. That got her started, "oh no honey, if you're this big now, she's coming early, you have no idea, you're going to be huge!" I love people. It's part of why I went into anesthesia. Strangers start shooting their mouths off, I get to shoot them full of drugs, shove a tube in their throat, and viola, no more rude or annoying conversation. It's a miracle.

On that ranting note, I'll make sure to work on my disposition so that my next entry is a little more upbeat. Really, everything is going fine and looking forward to the home stretch-
Lots of love,


Stacey said...

Ha! I've been surprised at the # of people who have come right out and asked when I'm due. That's a brave (well, really I think stupid) thing to do. However it did start up a conversation with a woman who's daughter has 4 children 4 and under, the largest age gap being 15 months. My comment, "Oh, do they plan on growing their family or are they done?" Her comment, "As many as the Lord will give them." My comment...well, none, it was more like stunned silence.

dawnzer said...

suzanney i love you so very much!!!! i can hear you saying those words and i think it is awesome, we all i think wish we were anesthesiologists as well at times. totally understand and think you are the perfect size and absolutely beautiful!! i love you madly. let's chat sometime this weekend :)

JimJ said...

We all like the shooting the rude strangers. It could catch on. Many uses. This oould be like your special power. You could be in the next X-Men movie. Totally most powerful superpower ever. And for your information we all think you look fantasic. Expect to see you on the cover of all those store mags, you know: Vogue, Cosmo etc. Practice saying things like: "Justin can you get me this?" Justin could you move this?" Justin could you pick this up?" He will love it and it is the way life is supposed to be. Jim et al

Peaby said...

did you attempt to shove anything down the Costco shopper's throat? you know...professional reflex?