Friday, September 5, 2008

17 Weeks

Short entry today as we're leaving for my surprise anniversary weekend. We alternate years planning a weekend away. Last year was my turn, now it's back to Justin so I'll have to let you know next week what we were up to.

On the pregnancy front, still feeling good. I think I felt the first movement a couple days ago. Just like everyone else describes it as this faint "fluttering" in my lower abdomen. First couple times I thought it might just be the power of suggestion after reading these "What to Expect . . ." books, but now I'm feeling something every few hours when I sit down for a moment, so that's pretty cool. Although, I'm still not totally convinced it's not all in my head - always a skeptic.

Only one week to go until the big ultrasound. Thanks everyone for casting their votes. I'm still waiting for a dream or something to allude to the possible outcome, but nothing yet.

Best wishes


Stacey said...

Awww, fluttery movements! Try to cherish the feeling, I can hardly remember the sensation from Max which wasn't that long ago.

Erin said...

I am anxiously awaiting your next post!

Lots of Love from East Coast Auntie Erin