Sunday, July 27, 2008

11 Weeks

1 week to go until the first trimester is over. Can't believe it's happened so quickly! Suppose that's how this whole thing is going to go. Wake up tomorrow and there will be a little Jermajesty Jagger. Like the name choice? Came with compliments from Jermaine Jackson who had the audacity to actually name his kid, "Jermajesty". Ouch.

Nothing too interesting to report at this point. Feeling pretty good. Still fit into normal clothes - hopefully that will last as long as possible. I read online somewhere this girl lamenting she gained 13 pounds in her first trimester. What a nightmare - I fortunately have avoided thus far. I do have weird food cravings and aversions. My new thing in the last couple weeks is drinking through a straw. It just tastes so much better, but like really, does it make a difference? Seriously odd. Thanks Jermajesty :)

Hope you like this week's baby image. It says that the kid is already moving around "busy kicking and stretching". Whoa.

1 comment:

dawnzer said...

you are so cute!!!! straws hunh? sounds yummy! no more avocado's? i love hearing about your day to day adventures and everything else :) thank you soo much for sharing everything zanne!