Sunday, January 18, 2009

37 Weeks = Term!

We are officially term. No more possible premie for this little one, and do I believe it. I think I'm getting bigger my the hour. Entirely possible as she's theoretically gaining an ounce a day. Seeing as I have 23 days until she's "due", that means another pound and a half of baby to carry around - and then have to push out . . . . So, yeah, I'm not nervous about that or anything. Feeling pretty good overall. Just really big and awkward. Mornings are much better for me than evenings so I try to get most active things accomplished by 1 or 2. Yesterday, I even took a nap. What a luxury!

Good news on the nursery and kitchen front. The kitchen should be done by middle of next week. What a relief. Will start putting back some things into the upper cabinets today and also start on cleaning up the dust that has settled into every nook and cranny in the front of the house. Daunting task, but must be done! Also, the nursery now looks like a nursery. Jen and Seth were kind enough to assemble my changing table for me, and Justin and I put together the crib this weekend (see pic at left). Looking very cute and almost usable. Another week and I should have it all ship shape. I am SO thankful I don't have to be at work!

Lots of love,

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